14 декабря, 2015

Подготовка к к\р. II четверть.

№1, 2, 4. Present Perfect or Past Simple.
Повторяем: правило №1правило №2, SB p.120-123, 135-136, неправильные глаголы: p.128, 135, 142, 149.

№3. Закончи предложения новыми словами.
Повторяем: SB p.116, 127, 134-135, 141-142, 150.
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4

№5. Подпиши картинку.
Повторяем: SB p.122, 129, 146, 149, 153, 155

07 декабря, 2015

30 ноября, 2015

Hometask 30/11/15

Open the brackets and put the verbs into Past Simple or Present Perfect.
1.     I _________ (live) in Moscow two years ago.
2.     Yesterday I ___________ (come) home, ___________ (take) off my clothes, ___________ (wash) my hands, ___________(have) dinner and ___________(do) my homework.
3.     I ___________ (never\see) a tiger.
4.     She ___________ (go) to school when she was little.
5.     My grandfather ___________ (build) a house. He ___________ (do) it last summer. I ___________ (help) him.
6.      -    Look! I ___________ (paint) a picture!
-         What ___________ (you\paint)?
-         I ___________ (paint) a dog.
-         When ___________ (you\do) it?
-         I ___________ (do) it yesterday.
7.     __________________ (you\ever\visit) a theatre?
8.     He ___________ (meet) my friend yet.
9.     They ___________ (be) in Moscow last Summer.
10.            - Where ___________ (she\be)?
-         She ___________ (be) to the village!
-         What ___________ (she\do) there?  

-         She ___________ (go) for a walk, ___________ (swim) in the river, ___________ (help) her Granny and ___________ (eat) fresh vegetables.

Present Perfect or Past Simple?

Past Simple
Present Perfect
1.      Действие уже закончено, факт из прошлого, есть указание времени: yesterday, last month, 2 days ago, when I was little
I went to the cinema yesterday.(Нам интересен сам факт того, что вчера я ходил в кино)

2.      Повторяющиеся действия в прошлом (всегда, снова и снова): every
She did morning exercises every morning. (Каждое утро она делала зарядку)

3.      Цепочка действий в прошлом.
He woke up, brushed his teeth, put on his clothes, had breakfast and went to school. (Все действия произошли друг за другом)

! Рассказываем подробности, описываем что-то, спрашиваем подробности.
1.      Действие закончено, но имеет связь с настоящим, важен результат, нет указания времени: already, ever, never, just, yet
I have already been to the cinema (Я уже побывал в кино и теперь могу рассказать, что смотрел – нам интересен результат)
We have been to London (когда – неизвестно и неважно, важен результат)

2.      Незаконченное действие, до сих пор продолжается: since, for
They have lived here since 2008.(до сих пор тут живут)
She has had lunch today (сегодняшний день еще не закончен)

! Сообщаем новость, спрашиваем первый раз

- Where have you been?(спрашиваем первый раз, новость)
-  I have been to the zoo! (Никто не знает, новость)
- What did you see?(узнаем подробности)
- I saw many animals and took many photos there (рассказываем подробности похода в зоопарк)

24 ноября, 2015


Примерный текст темы:


The Romans built a town on the River Thames. The name of the town was Londinium.
At the beginning of the 11th century England was already a great country. William the Conqueror became King of England. He built the White Tower to live in it. This building is very famous. A lot of people visit it every year.
In September 1666 was a fire in the old city of London. It started in the wooden house near London Bridge and burnt many houses. After the Great Fire people built a new city.
London is the capital of England. Now it is the biggest city in Britain. More than seven million people live and work there. In London you can find the best theatres, cinemas, museums and beautiful churches.
There are about 10 thousand streets in London. Oxford Street is London’s main shopping centre.
Trafalgar Square is the centre of London. In the middle of the square there is a monument to Admiral Nelson. There are two beautiful fountains in the square. They are in front of the National Gallery.
The political centre of London is Westminster.
British Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.
Big Ben is the name of the bell in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament.
Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous churches in London. Many English kings and queens are buried there.
The Queen of England (Elizabeth II) lives in Buckingham Palace.

16 ноября, 2015

Video: London

Songs: London Bridge is Falling Down

Present Perfect

Время Present Perfect употребляется, когда действие произошло в прошлом (когда именно, мы не знаем или это неважно), а его результат появляется в настоящем.

I have opened the window - Я открыл окно. (Открыл - в прошлом. Результат: окно открыто - в настоящем).
I have lost my keys - Я потерял ключи. (Потерял - в прошлом. Результат: ключей нет - в настоящем).

Также время Present Perfect употребляется, когда мы говорим о действии, которое случилось в прошлом и до сих пор (в момент говорения) продолжается (В таких предложениях есть слова since и for). 
*В основном, в данном случае используются глаголы to be, to know, to have.

I have been here since morning - Я нахожусь здесь с утра. (С утра пришел и до сих пор тут)
He has had a dog for 2 years - У него есть собака уже 2 года. (2 года назад купили и до сих пор есть)
We have known each other for 5 years - Мы знаем друг друга уже 5 лет. (5 лет назад познакомились и до сих пор дружим)

10 ноября, 2015

Hometask 10/11/15

Describe the picture (we started in class)

It’s a living room. There is a table in the middle of the living room. There’s a carpet under the table. There are sofas around the table. There are two cups and a candle on the table. There are lamps above the table. 

21 октября, 2015

English Homes. My Flat

Ребята, прошу прощения, совсем забыла выложить план нашей новой темы! Для написания темы вы можете использовать видео ниже, текст учебника и вопросы после текста.
P.S. Черновик можно принести в пятницу на контрольную работу.

English Homes. My Flat.

1. Where do English people live?
2. Discribe a traditional English house (How many floors, rooms, furniture and so on).
3. Do English people love their homes?
4. My flat (house).

Примерный текст темы.

English homes. My flat

Many English families live in flats, but a lot of people have got their own houses. There are two floors in the traditional English house; the ground floor and the first floor. The bedrooms and a bathroom (or bathrooms) are upstairs on the first floor. The sitting room, the dining room and the study are downstairs on the ground floor. The kitchen and the hall are downstairs on the ground floor too.
The sitting room is usually the largest room in the house. There is always a sofa, some chairs and armchairs in it. There is often a carpet on the floor. It makes the room comfortable. English people usually have a fireplace in the sitting room. They often spend evenings in armchairs near the fireplace. They read books, watch TV, listen to music or sit around and talk. People in England like their homes and often say, “East or West, home is best”.
And now I would like to tell you about my home.

[Составляем рассказ по вопросам: Do you live in a house or in a flat? Is your flat (house) big? How many rooms do you have? What rooms do you have? Is your room big? Is your room comfortable? Is there a window in your room? What colour are the walls? Are there any pictures on the walls? What furniture do you have in your room? (There is a bed in the left corner. Near the bed there is a small table with a lamp on it. In front of the bed there is a desk. Above the desk there are bookshelves. There is a carpet in the middle of the room...) ]

16 октября, 2015

Hometask: My Flat

Составляем рассказ по вопросам: 

Do you live in a house or in a flat?
Is your flat (house) big?
How many rooms do you have?
What rooms do you have?
Is your room big?
Is your room comfortable?
Is there a window in your room?
What colour are the walls?
Are there any pictures on the walls?
What furniture do you have in your room? (There is a bed in the left corner. Near the bed there is a small table with a lamp on it. In front of the bed there is a desk. Above the desk there are bookshelves. There is a carpet in the middle of the room...)

13 октября, 2015

Подготовка к к\р. I четверть

Начинаем готовиться к первой четвертной контрольной работе в этом году.

Что нужно повторить к контрольной работе:

1. Предлоги

2. Вопросы "с хвостиком".

SB p.56 ex.8
p.61 ex.10
p.64 ex.1
Ответы здесь.


3. Слова по теме "Школа"

+ School Subjects.

4. Неправильные глаголы

5. Время Past Simple

SB p.63 ex.17

6. Как называть время, используя "half" и "a quarter"
4:30 - half past four
3:15 - a quarter past three
8:45 - a quarter to nine

10 октября, 2015

Интернет-Олимпиада по английскому языку

Дорогие ребята, предлагаю Вам принять участие в Интернет-Олимпиаде по английскому языку. Олимпиада бесплатная, так что не поленитесь испытать свои силы и проверить свои знания! Уважаемые родители, вы тоже можете поучаствовать в олимпиаде. ;)

Желаю Вам удачи!

Ссылка на олимпиаду

P.S. Удачные результаты мы можем оценить в школе с занесением в журнал и дневник.:) И не пожалейте, пожалуйста, копию сертификата об участии для меня. Спасибо!

07 октября, 2015

Songs: Up! Up! Up!

Hometask 6/10/15

Answer the questions.

1) When does the school year begin in England?
2) At what age do English children go to infant school?
3) What do they do at infant school?
4) At what age do English children go to junior school?
5)  What do they do at junior school?
6) Describe the English school day?
7) Do English school have numbers?
8) What do English children do after classes?

Напоминаю, что тему English Schools  мы сдаем в понедельник, 12.10.15.

English Schools

Примерный текст темы. 

Primary schools in Britain (English Schools)

    In England the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of month, school rarely begins on Monday.
    English children go to school at the age of five. They go to infant schools, where they sit on the carpet, sing songs, draw pictures and play games. They learn how to get on with other children.
   At the age of seven English children go to junior schools. They study here for four years. Their school subjects are English, Maths, History, Nature study, Swimming, Music, and Art.
   English children have classes five days a week. They have classes on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Classes usually finish at about four o’clock. They don’t have classes on Saturday and on Sunday. Classes usually begin at nine. Pupils have a break at 10.30 and may drink milk or orange juice. At half past twelve or at one o’clock they usually have lunch.
   Schools in England have names, not numbers. In most schools pupils wear uniform.
Children spend a lot of time outdoors. They visit different museums and other famous and interesting places. Sometimes their teachers take them to London and other big cities.

25 сентября, 2015

Personal Letter

Образец письма другу. Обратите внимание на правила оформления письма!


6, Bolotnaya Street
St. Petersburg
The 25th of September
    Dear John,
    I would like to tell you about my classroom. [ описываем класс].
    What can you write and tell me about your classroom? Can you describe your uniform? How many subjects are there in you timetable?
    Write soon.

24 сентября, 2015

My school

1) Introduction (Вступление)
2) My timetable
3) My classroom
4) My uniform
4) Conclusion (Заключение)

Примерный текст:

    My name is … . I live in Saint Petersburg and go to school number 74. I study in the fourth form. My school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 1:25 or 2:30.
    There are 12 subjects in my timetable. Once a week I have Handicraft, Religion, Arts, Music and the World of Museum. Twice a week I have Nature Study. Three times a week I have P.E. and Reading. Four times a week I have Maths and English. Five times a week I have Russian.
   At Russian we write and learn the rules. At Maths we count and do sums... (Продолжить про остальные предметы).
  My favourite lesson is … . I like it because … .
  My classroom is very comfortable but not always clean. There are 15 desks in it. The teacher’s table is near the window. There are three windows in our classroom. They are white and the door is light brown. The blackboard is green and the floor is light brown, grey and yellow. There is one picture on the wall. Near the blackboard there is a big screen and a bookcase. There are many flowers in my classroom.
 At school we wear school uniform – a white blouse, a grey jacket and skirt (a white shirt, a grey jacket and trousers).
 I love my school.

22 сентября, 2015

My classroom

Написать на 25.09:

My classroom is comfortable but not always clean. There are 15 desks in it. The teacher’s table is near the window. There are three windows in our classroom. They are white and the door is light brown. The blackboard is green and the floor is light brown, grey and yellow. There is one picture on the wall.
1) What is there near the blackboard?
2) Are there many flowers in your classrom?

Tag Questions

Tag questions - вопросы "с хвостиком"

Что такое Tag questions?

Tag questions  - это когда повествовательное утверждение становится вопросительным при помощи прибавления «Хвостика» (a tag), который при переводе будет звучать «не так ли?»

Как образуются Tag questions?

Есть простое правило:
  • если в главном (повествовательном) предложении глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, то "хвостик" ставим положительный, и наоборот: если в главное - положительное, то "хвостик" — в отрицании. Мы называем это правилом "батарейки".

He is at school, isn't he?
  • если подлежащее выражено существительным, то в "хвостике" мы заменяем его на местоимение.
Peter doesn't go to school, does he?
  • отрицание в "хвостике" в том же времени, в каком стоит главное предложение. Обрати внимание, что в хвостике мы используем только вспомогательные глаголы.

He is watching TV, isn't he?
She played the guitar, didn't she? 
They will go to the cinema, won't they?
Your parents haven't bought a new car, have they?

21 сентября, 2015

Games: School

My timetable

Выучить наизусть на 24.09

   There are 12 subjects in my timetable. Once a week I have Handicraft, Religion, Arts, Music and the World of Museum. Twice a week I have Nature Study. Three times a week I have P.E. and Reading. Four times a week I have Maths and English. Five times a week I have Russian.
   At Russian we write and learn the rules. At Maths we count and do sums... (Продолжить про остальные предметы (см. таблицу ниже)).

17 сентября, 2015


Do sums, count
Write, learn the rules
Nature Study
Learn about nature, space, geography, animals
Speak about our city
Draw pictures
Run, jump and play sport games
Sew, make different things
Study different religions
Sing songs
the World of Museum
Speak about pictures and art
Study new English words, read English texts, speak English