25 сентября, 2015

Personal Letter

Образец письма другу. Обратите внимание на правила оформления письма!


6, Bolotnaya Street
St. Petersburg
The 25th of September
    Dear John,
    I would like to tell you about my classroom. [ описываем класс].
    What can you write and tell me about your classroom? Can you describe your uniform? How many subjects are there in you timetable?
    Write soon.

24 сентября, 2015

My school

1) Introduction (Вступление)
2) My timetable
3) My classroom
4) My uniform
4) Conclusion (Заключение)

Примерный текст:

    My name is … . I live in Saint Petersburg and go to school number 74. I study in the fourth form. My school day starts at 8:45 and finishes at 1:25 or 2:30.
    There are 12 subjects in my timetable. Once a week I have Handicraft, Religion, Arts, Music and the World of Museum. Twice a week I have Nature Study. Three times a week I have P.E. and Reading. Four times a week I have Maths and English. Five times a week I have Russian.
   At Russian we write and learn the rules. At Maths we count and do sums... (Продолжить про остальные предметы).
  My favourite lesson is … . I like it because … .
  My classroom is very comfortable but not always clean. There are 15 desks in it. The teacher’s table is near the window. There are three windows in our classroom. They are white and the door is light brown. The blackboard is green and the floor is light brown, grey and yellow. There is one picture on the wall. Near the blackboard there is a big screen and a bookcase. There are many flowers in my classroom.
 At school we wear school uniform – a white blouse, a grey jacket and skirt (a white shirt, a grey jacket and trousers).
 I love my school.

22 сентября, 2015

My classroom

Написать на 25.09:

My classroom is comfortable but not always clean. There are 15 desks in it. The teacher’s table is near the window. There are three windows in our classroom. They are white and the door is light brown. The blackboard is green and the floor is light brown, grey and yellow. There is one picture on the wall.
1) What is there near the blackboard?
2) Are there many flowers in your classrom?

Tag Questions

Tag questions - вопросы "с хвостиком"

Что такое Tag questions?

Tag questions  - это когда повествовательное утверждение становится вопросительным при помощи прибавления «Хвостика» (a tag), который при переводе будет звучать «не так ли?»

Как образуются Tag questions?

Есть простое правило:
  • если в главном (повествовательном) предложении глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, то "хвостик" ставим положительный, и наоборот: если в главное - положительное, то "хвостик" — в отрицании. Мы называем это правилом "батарейки".

He is at school, isn't he?
  • если подлежащее выражено существительным, то в "хвостике" мы заменяем его на местоимение.
Peter doesn't go to school, does he?
  • отрицание в "хвостике" в том же времени, в каком стоит главное предложение. Обрати внимание, что в хвостике мы используем только вспомогательные глаголы.

He is watching TV, isn't he?
She played the guitar, didn't she? 
They will go to the cinema, won't they?
Your parents haven't bought a new car, have they?

21 сентября, 2015

Games: School

My timetable

Выучить наизусть на 24.09

   There are 12 subjects in my timetable. Once a week I have Handicraft, Religion, Arts, Music and the World of Museum. Twice a week I have Nature Study. Three times a week I have P.E. and Reading. Four times a week I have Maths and English. Five times a week I have Russian.
   At Russian we write and learn the rules. At Maths we count and do sums... (Продолжить про остальные предметы (см. таблицу ниже)).

17 сентября, 2015


Do sums, count
Write, learn the rules
Nature Study
Learn about nature, space, geography, animals
Speak about our city
Draw pictures
Run, jump and play sport games
Sew, make different things
Study different religions
Sing songs
the World of Museum
Speak about pictures and art
Study new English words, read English texts, speak English

Songs: School