25 марта, 2015

My family and I

An example of the text:

My family and I

     I want to tell you about my family. We are a family of three (four, five …). My name is … . I am … years old. We live in Russia, in Saint Petersburg. It is an old and beautiful city.
     I have got a mother, a father, (a sister, a brother, a grandmother, a grandfather, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin …). My grandmother [имя] is my mother’s mother. My grandfather [имя] is my mother’s father. I have got and uncle. He is my father’s brother. My uncle’s daughter is my cousin.
     My mother is a… . She works in a … . My father is a … . He works in a … . My mother likes to cook tasty meals and to read books. My father likes to work on the computer (to watch TV, to ski, to swim, to ride a bike, to travel, to visit new places …). On Sundays we often [go to parks, museums, theatres or to the zoo. Last Sunday we went to our dacha. My mother worked in the garden, and helped her to plant flowers].
     I am a pupil. I go to school 74, to the third A form. I have got many friends at school and we often play together. I like to go for a walk, to read books and to play football … . In Summer I will ride a bike, swim in the lake and lie in the sun.

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